Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Howdy folks!

Patrick's already spouted off on what i'm going to update, so i'll trim it.
For those who missed Patrick's thoughts, he posted as a comment under my first post:

and Forrest put an update there as well...

Now, to my take on the Tony Robbins event...
As Patrick raved - what an amazing thing! 64 deeksha givers helping to bring Bhagavan's grace to 3,500 people in one place. In spite of the fact that the deekshas were given without mention, what Tony did each time was to ask the audience to connect to gratitude, to some greater force that might be guiding them, to a sense of Oneness with everything, to invoke The Presence...and, boy, did some invoking get done...

At one point, he was doing some 1-on-1 work with this woman in the audience who has having a minor spasm. After settling her down a bit, he just reached out and gave her deeksha.
The woman was transformed - instantly.

In a couple of other instances, he teased the crowd, "Will you use these techniques you've learned here when you go back to your lives? Would Tony have been so tricky as to have secretly planted triggers 3 times over the weekend to ensure that you do?"

There were powerful moments of experiencing the manifestation of Bhagavan's vision, as if in a trailer for the end of time, when past and future truly become meaningless for all of humanity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at a Tony Robbins event in December in which he did what he called "The Blessing" which was Deeksha in disguise. There were 2500 people present. He said it was the first time he had ever done it publicly. From the date of your blog, it sounds like he had done this prior. What event were you at?

5:56 PM  

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