Monday, November 13, 2006

Dear Ones,

It's been a little over three weeks now since leaving GC - how is everyone's state?

I find that i remain free of many things that used to produce charged reactions, but in the last few days, i received an insight into how perhaps many people gradually lose touch with this state, so i want to share that with all of you.

I have found that it is in fact quite easy to fully experience what we used to think of as "negative" emotions and reactions when they do come up. Something triggers a charge, i realize it, and then, when i'm able to focus on it, it's almost as if an instantaneous series of events happens from there:
1. A connection is made to The Presence.
2. The emotion or reaction completely fills me.
3. Whatever conditioning it was that caused the charge completely floods out as well.
4. Joy.

As long as the focus is first there, the above steps happen within one little breath.

However, there is also another reaction that can happen.
Because my general state remains quite high, i find myself sometimes just easily turning away from the charge that comes up. This turning away is how i used to resolve my issues before, and, when this happens, although i am still able to return quickly to a good state, i sense that a small charge is left as a result of avoiding both the emotion and the issue.

Look forward to hearing what the rest of ya'll might have to share as well.


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