Monday, November 13, 2006

Dear Ones,

It's been a little over three weeks now since leaving GC - how is everyone's state?

I find that i remain free of many things that used to produce charged reactions, but in the last few days, i received an insight into how perhaps many people gradually lose touch with this state, so i want to share that with all of you.

I have found that it is in fact quite easy to fully experience what we used to think of as "negative" emotions and reactions when they do come up. Something triggers a charge, i realize it, and then, when i'm able to focus on it, it's almost as if an instantaneous series of events happens from there:
1. A connection is made to The Presence.
2. The emotion or reaction completely fills me.
3. Whatever conditioning it was that caused the charge completely floods out as well.
4. Joy.

As long as the focus is first there, the above steps happen within one little breath.

However, there is also another reaction that can happen.
Because my general state remains quite high, i find myself sometimes just easily turning away from the charge that comes up. This turning away is how i used to resolve my issues before, and, when this happens, although i am still able to return quickly to a good state, i sense that a small charge is left as a result of avoiding both the emotion and the issue.

Look forward to hearing what the rest of ya'll might have to share as well.

I take it you're back in the US by now...How did things go with the family in Chennai?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Howdy folks!

Patrick's already spouted off on what i'm going to update, so i'll trim it.
For those who missed Patrick's thoughts, he posted as a comment under my first post:

and Forrest put an update there as well...

Now, to my take on the Tony Robbins event...
As Patrick raved - what an amazing thing! 64 deeksha givers helping to bring Bhagavan's grace to 3,500 people in one place. In spite of the fact that the deekshas were given without mention, what Tony did each time was to ask the audience to connect to gratitude, to some greater force that might be guiding them, to a sense of Oneness with everything, to invoke The Presence...and, boy, did some invoking get done...

At one point, he was doing some 1-on-1 work with this woman in the audience who has having a minor spasm. After settling her down a bit, he just reached out and gave her deeksha.
The woman was transformed - instantly.

In a couple of other instances, he teased the crowd, "Will you use these techniques you've learned here when you go back to your lives? Would Tony have been so tricky as to have secretly planted triggers 3 times over the weekend to ensure that you do?"

There were powerful moments of experiencing the manifestation of Bhagavan's vision, as if in a trailer for the end of time, when past and future truly become meaningless for all of humanity.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Howdy brothers...

It's been just over a week now since getting back to Taipei from India, and, though the time has flown by, i feel very anchored and it oddly seems as if i've been back for a long time already.

Perhaps it was that so many things have happened in this week and that so many more moments of each day than ever before are lit by the radiance of connectedness and pure experience.

I arrived in Taipei Wednesday night October 25 and spent all that evening with my mother, sharing what i could of my experiences with her. As she is my mother, and as we are very close, i probably gushed out a bit more than what she was prepared and able to take in. As i was rather excited, it probably came out a bit more haphazardly than was digestible for her.

So i took it as a reminder and a little teaching in how to share about all the experiences in GC.

Still, it was great to be back home again and to be with my mother, who does love and care for me so much. I know there are still many lessons for me to learn in how to truly receive and return all she gives me, as this week has already brought several, each a new revelation and a new point of gratitude.

With Amira, my dear friend and the founder of our center in Taipei, getting ready to leave for GC and all the preparation needed to finalize the trip for the groups she is taking to GC in November, the next day was a full day at the center and then some. It started with catching up with two of my colleagues (who are also deeksha givers) and with giving them deeksha, and it ended with giving deeksha along with Amira and 2 other givers to the nearly 40 people who attended that night.

That weekend, from 10 AM until 7PM each day, was the last 2 days of Amira's preparation course for the group the center will bring to GC for their process starting Nov 5...30 students who got lots of deeksha over the course of those 2 days!

I had a chance to share with the class about my experiences, and i did remember the lesson learned from my first attempt with my mom. This time, i just let the presence guide. By the time i got up to talk, the presence had turned all nervousness into excitement and joy.and everything just flowed out.

I do remember talking about now having an intimate relationship to God, about how much it will help their process that they will have a chance to repeat some of the exercises and meditations, and answering some questions...but i don't really remember details. Mostly, i just remember words coming out of my mouth as i sat looking at all these faces staring at me with big, open eyes, smiling and laughing...and that's when i knew for certain that it wasn't just me talking!

The two main meditations over the weekend were to see fundamental childhood decisions (FCD) and to connect with God. For each, i, along with 3 other deeksha givers, gave intention deeksha and occasional hands-on deeksha as needed while Amira lead the meditations. In the FCD meditation, i strongly felt Amma's presence coming through me, to the point where i found myself calling out, "Amma, Amma, Amma..." Lots of crying - a very beautiful experience to be a part of and to be able to help manifest for others.

I was on schedule to give deeksha again at the center on Wednesday Nov 01 after an immensely powerful chakra meditation with about 25 people. What i've found in all these various deeksha givings is that, so far, i have not had any inkling about how each receiver feels. Sometimes the deeksha energy flowing through me makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me moan - it always surges through me like a powerful current of joy, so i do ask Amma and Bhagavan to help me to keep it all as quiet as possible and to keep the physical convulsions as mild as can be - but no feedback as of yet, and no real differences in the feeling of the energy flowing through.

Would be curious to hear what everyone else experiences...