Aloha everyone! I hope you all had wonderful holidays. Everything OK in Taiwan Leiven after the Earthquake. We had a small one here as well. I have had a couple amazing experiences recently. U2 held their last concert here in Honolulu to a packed house at Aloha Stadium. During the concert Bono from U2 started talking about the organization he started called One. Several songs were on this theme and during these songs I got an immediate visual of Bhagavan, Amma, Christ and Buddha above the stadium pouring Deeksha into those in attendance. As the visual started Deeksha started pouring through me in a massive and powerful way. It was totally joyful and electric and left me in tears of joy. It was so profound and loving. I am so grateful for Bhagavan and Amma I cannot even begin to tell you. I am not sure if any of you have tried the process that Radakrishna sent out about touching the hands and feet of any picture of Amma and Bhagavan and then asking for a Oneness blessing from them. If you have not....Do it!!!! The transmission of energy is intense and loving. We had Raniji out to Hawaii the first part of December and it was an overwhelming success. She met with indigenous people on all the islands and we had over 100 people at a one night event here on Maui. We also had well over 50 attendees to an all day workshop that she held the next day. Those are huge numbers for Maui!!! During one of the meetings with the indigenous people, Rani did a ceremony using one of Bhagavans pictures. The next day there was a huge amount of ash that simply appeared on the picture. It was a true miracle. I feel like I am going on and on ; ) I had another funny experience the other day. I was driving and had a truck completely and totally pull out in front of me the other day. It was to the point that I had to slam on my brakes and swerve out of the way to avoid smashing into them. I had zero negative charge, I simply smiled and even laughed when I was safely stopped on the shoulder of the road. It was so cool, but so strange. In the past curse words and the middle finger would have been employed in full force. I hope I am not losing my survival instincts ; ) Other than that life is going well. Believe it or not while I was in India I developed a deep connection over the Internet with a beautiful girl here on Maui. We have been inseparable ever since so that is very cool. I am learning with Bhagavan's help to experience her fully. When I am able to do that it is a beautiful experience no matter what the situation. When I am not and get caught up in it, it is not so beautiful. I hope all is well with you guys. I love reading your experiences. We have had many visiting Deeksha givers here to Maui over the past month or so. Which one of you will be first from our class ; ) Namaste to you all!!!
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